Tuesday, May 3, 2011

He Started a Revolution and Ended up A KING......

Signing the Wall at Graceland

  When you think of Memphis you think of Elvis.  I grew up with him watched every movie he ever made, and heard every song he ever sang.  I was present at his last concert in Cincinnati months before his death and I remember vividly the day he died.   Now I have been to his home, seen his honeymoon hideaway along the the beautiful ranch where he hosted BBQ's.  The ranch is now empty and up for sale and few even know he owned it.   I was amazed at the impact he had on the community and the visitors.  The energy was that of "reverence" in front of Graceland.  There was a steady stream of tour buses along with cars and travelers from all over world.  The signing wall at Graceland was amazing up close and I had to be a part of it.  I have had an ELVIS influence since I could walk and there has been no one since that has had the impact on the world that Elvis has had.  I was so fortunate to have spent the weekend with new friends who had grown up in Memphis and have had personal stories to tell about him.  I can't tell you how much I loved hearing the first hand accounts of the brushes with the King.  They made me laugh and miss him that much more.  I had gone to Memphis to enjoy the Beale Street Music festival and was gifted so much more than music.  Thanks Audrey and Derek for opening up your home and making me feel welcomed you two are the symbol of Southern Hospitality.    I hope you check out my "Elvis is my Boyfriend" pendant on my web page and check back I am adding a few new "Boyfriend" pieces soon! LONG LIVE THE KING!

Outside Sun Recording Studio
Gates at Graceland

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Evening With Ms. Yvonne

Last night I had the pleasure of meeting and spending time with Yvonne Russo.  She now is on my BFF short list.  She was in town for a lecture at Miami University.  Yvonne was brought in town by another good friend Sande for viewing of the film Naturally Native which Yvonne had produced.  This was the first film she had produces and it was the first film to be entirely financed by a Tribal Nation.  It won her the "Producer of the Year" award from the American Indian Film Institute at the age of 24.  She has traveled the world and she is currently working for National Geographic in Washington DC.  Her bio is only a spark of the shining star that she truly is.  She was open and genuine and quick to laugh.  All the characteristics I love in a person.  The evening was wonderful, great food and even better conversation. Her talent and love of what she does was truly inspiring for me.  Her motto is: "If you love what you do, you never have to work a day in your life".  I can relate I love to create and bring things back to life.  I also love to find vintage treasures to add to my ebay store.  Last night was just the beginning of what I hope will be a long friendship with my new BFF.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Painted Toe Nails

Today spring official arrived, temperatures in the 70's again and sandals on.  To make it official I painted my toe nails the hottest pink polish ever made.  Now there is no turning back!  I have decided to do more for myself.  I recently started a Yoga class which has worked wonders on my over all well being.  It's not so much the class as the simple act of putting myself first.  I have been working hard on my Ebay store and pushing out my back log of inventory with little focus on anything else.  It is all about balance, one must find a center and try to maintain. I have discovered centered and balance is not answer.  The answer is the mindfulness of stretching for center.  Mindfulness of the beauty in the sunshine, warm breeze and the flowers that bring one pleasure.

That being said I have pulled my pretty spring purses out to add to my page and add to my ebay store.  Make sure you check them out my ebay store name is little6271.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Going, Going, Gone!

Hand Made Red Crochet Dress 50's Doll
This past weekend I received an urgent call....."quick you gotta get over here the house around the corner is having an auction!"  The house was 2 miles away and in the time it took to drive there I received 4 more urgent calls..."They have thousands of old dolls from all over.....you better hurry!".  My bud Melissa was right!  The estate was fantastic!  It was a house full of antique furniture, and every collectible you can think of.  It was a pickers dream come true! Unfortunately for me this town is filled with dealers and their dream came true too.  At the peak of the auction there were 300+ people.  Things were going for a pretty penny.   I spotted several things of interest but most were bid so high that it was ridiculous.  I did manage to get a few cherished items at a reasonable rate.  The dealers must have been getting tired.  I managed to pry from a doll dealers hands one box lot out of blinking story book dolls and a lot of dolls from other countries.  The Native American pieces are my favorite, they show such workmanship that you rarely find.  Enjoy the view!

Hand carved Wooden Native Grandmother Doll

I am planning on posting a few dolls on my web page along with a collection of vintage material and silk scarfs from this auction on ebay.  Make sure you check them all out!  My ebay store is little6271

OLD Native American Split Hickory Strawberry Basket

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The God's Are Smiling

Today the God's are smiling on me.  As normal in my haste to get my ebay packages to the post office and make it to the Dentist on time, I put a wrong addressed on a package.  This is not unusual I have a rolling average of losing something once a week.  So this one would be my package for the week.  I discovered the error approx. 6 hours after leaving the post office.  Upon discovery I made a mad dash to get the other orders out and correct the error. 

I purchased a 1954 Chevy Tin Woody Station wagon a year ago and I have been anxious to get "Lucy" her road legs.  The brakes were fixed over the weekend and she is ready to roll.  Today it is sunny and in the 60's and I figured why not?  Let's see what she's got.  She started with the first crank and sounded like a dream.  We were off to the post office!  Hopefully no officers of the law would pull behind us.  I have tags but one tail light is out.  I was just happy we could stop her if we needed to.  Did I mention middle school was just letting out.  She made it with no problems other than the heavy smell of fumes.  Never mind the big hole in the floor.  Because of my dear friends at the post office Pam and Becky my mistake was diverted and all is well in the world.  I owe them both big time!  Thanks Girls you are the best!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Spring IS Here

SnowDrops First Blooms of Spring

The Four Seasons
 Today I have to say spring has arrived here at the Little compound. I have my first bloom from my tiny Snowdrops.  This sure sign that warmer weather is on the horizon has inspired me.  Today I planted my garden seeds and I am launching my 4 Seasons Pin Up Magnets on my blog.  These magnets have been so much fun to create.  I started with a tiny piece of vintage lace that I couldn't trow away.  I then added the pin-ups next a sparkling jewel or two and finished off with a splash of fairy glitter.  They take time to create but they have become a labor or love. 
Closer View
Closer View

Monday, March 7, 2011

Scary Sunday

This past Sunday our house was filled with people.  We celebrated my dad's 91st Birthday!  I was preparing the food and getting the house together for around 15 people when I got the dreaded call that started with  "Popples is not acting right".  Popples is my one and only grand puppy which I adore.  My heart dropped as the hoards of people started to stream in along with the birthday boy himself.  After a half of a dozen calls we finally got through to the emergency vet clinic that was 30 miles away.  I set the kids off with her and joined in the festivities.  The mood was light and festive and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves, even the 91 year old who usually doesn't enjoy anything.  He even put on his party hat and Mardi Gras Beads and transformed into OUR tribal leader. Around nine the vet informed us that Popples had probably been poisoned and that she was stable but we would know more by morning.  After a long sleepless night the call came that Popples was fine and ready to be picked up.  She is home now and all is well with the world.  Here is a shot of my baby and her baby Popples.  Note the cool necklace that is one from my Lazarus collection!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Weekend With Bunky

I have had the pleasure of spending time this past weekend with Bunky Echo-Hawk.  He is so creative and most impressive he is comfortable in his own skin.  He was easy to talk to and was kind to everyone and every question.  Even to those questions that made me uncomfortable.  Like what does that color mean to natives? And why did you paint that symbol?  He has a grace and a humor that comes through on the canvas.  I was fortunate enough to have been there when he pulled out his lap top and flipped through a bunch of his past projects and his collection was impressive. It ranged from Barack Obama to Sherman Alexis. 
At the show we were given a blank canvas and asked questions to make each painting unique.  He asked me who was the most famous Indian spiritual leaded I knew.  Elmer Running came to mind as fast as a lightning bolt.  I realized he had no idea who Elmer was and I told him briefly he was a respected sundance chief and elder.  His picture of Elmer was done from a place of respect and honor.  The next day I took a picture that I had of Elmer to show him.  It was very erie how similar they were.   The picture on the right is of Elmer.  Yoda below is a self portrait.  Thanks Bunky for everything!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Star Gazing

What a fun day today was!  It all started with my hip artist friend Liz.  She posted on facebook that George Clooney was shooting scenes for his new movie right across the street from her apartment.  Well, you know all it took was a note on good old FB and it turned into a girls day out.  We didn't see any signs of George, we did see Nick stroll by but quite frankly he wasn't worth freezing out butts off.  We decided to head back to Liz's place for a hot coffee.   It has always been food for my soul when I hang out with wonderful women and today was no exception.  I am looking forward to hanging out and displaying our art together somewhere soon.  I may look for Geroge tomorrow but tomorrow is yet another day.  Thanks girls for a fun afternoon....more to follow in our future!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Third Times A Charm

Today my husband is going through the third round of interviews for a new position in his Company.  He has been stressed beyond belief this year due to the ever blowing winds of the economy.  His paycheck has suffered along with his self worth.  He is one of the hardest working, most dedicated people I have ever met.  Others that have worked with him or know him personally would say the same.  I am hoping the change will do him good, it has not been easy and he deserves some easy.  A lot is riding on the move.  Getting time off for Sundance is a big issue for us.  Most employers don't seem to get the importance of your dedication to your beliefs especially if it is something they do not understand.  Normally it becomes a joke, I always assumed it was to cover fear.  Hopefully this time it will be different and he will get as much respect as he gives.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Rain Rain Go Away!

Today its done nothing but rain which makes it hard to motivate.  Yesterday I spent time with old friends and family.  My nephew and his girl friend are having their first child.  It was good to get to know her a little better.  She is a very sweet girl and he is lucky to have her!  My sister out-did herself.  The food was fabulous!  My family knows how to put on a feast and this was no exception, and for a baby shower it was above and beyond!  Kudos to you Pam aka (Monkey).

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Birthday Boy!

For those of you who know me and even those of you who don't today is the most precious person on earth's birthday.  My husband who is a man of many faces: Dave, Deke, Big Pappa, Stanley Walking Crow (to name a few) is one of the biggest gifts a woman could ever ask for.  He is kind, funny, emotional, dedicated, committed and hard working.  I can honestly say, I got the better end of the deal.  It may be his birthday but I am the one who truly benefits from his existence.  Happy Birthday my man and many more.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

I have spent most of the morning baking and making a casserole for my friend Melissa.  She has just lost here mother-in-law.  This family has had more loss in the past 6 months than most do in a life time.  I was Feeling helpless and at a loss on what to do so I decided to what I do best and make the family some loving from the oven.  I remember when my mom past away back in the 70's and how many people would just drop by with a home cooked dish.  Even people I didn't even know.  I am not sure where this tradition came from but I find home made food comforting and hopefully it will comfort my friend. 

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Today is the day!!!!!

Today it is 65 degrees and the birds are singing....it is all to lauch my web page:  alittledesigns.com

I have been dreaming of the day and it is finally here!  I want to thank Audra Jo for her dedicated and tireless work she pushed through even being down with the flu.  It could not have been possible without her and I forever grateful.  Now I want to here from you!  Please let me know what you think and if you have any requests on things you would like to see.  Just give me a shout and we will try to make it happen.  Enjoy!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Fun Filled Night with Keb Mo!

Audra (my fabulous friend and web designer) and on are way to see Keb Mo!  Second time and for us and he is outstanding!  Pictures to follow