Thursday, April 14, 2011

Evening With Ms. Yvonne

Last night I had the pleasure of meeting and spending time with Yvonne Russo.  She now is on my BFF short list.  She was in town for a lecture at Miami University.  Yvonne was brought in town by another good friend Sande for viewing of the film Naturally Native which Yvonne had produced.  This was the first film she had produces and it was the first film to be entirely financed by a Tribal Nation.  It won her the "Producer of the Year" award from the American Indian Film Institute at the age of 24.  She has traveled the world and she is currently working for National Geographic in Washington DC.  Her bio is only a spark of the shining star that she truly is.  She was open and genuine and quick to laugh.  All the characteristics I love in a person.  The evening was wonderful, great food and even better conversation. Her talent and love of what she does was truly inspiring for me.  Her motto is: "If you love what you do, you never have to work a day in your life".  I can relate I love to create and bring things back to life.  I also love to find vintage treasures to add to my ebay store.  Last night was just the beginning of what I hope will be a long friendship with my new BFF.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Painted Toe Nails

Today spring official arrived, temperatures in the 70's again and sandals on.  To make it official I painted my toe nails the hottest pink polish ever made.  Now there is no turning back!  I have decided to do more for myself.  I recently started a Yoga class which has worked wonders on my over all well being.  It's not so much the class as the simple act of putting myself first.  I have been working hard on my Ebay store and pushing out my back log of inventory with little focus on anything else.  It is all about balance, one must find a center and try to maintain. I have discovered centered and balance is not answer.  The answer is the mindfulness of stretching for center.  Mindfulness of the beauty in the sunshine, warm breeze and the flowers that bring one pleasure.

That being said I have pulled my pretty spring purses out to add to my page and add to my ebay store.  Make sure you check them out my ebay store name is little6271.